Abbiamo parlato con Hugo Bassista degli INDECENT BASTARDS una streetpunk Oi! band direttamente dalle strade di Medellin

RTC) How and when was the band and its members born? Tell us the history of the band.
IDB) Well, the band was born in 2012 as another excuse to meet on weekends as friends to drink beer, laugh and spend time together.
It was born in the city of Medellin with Otto (guitar), Hugo (bass) Cuartas (lead vocals), Crespi (Guitar #2) and sometimes Peter would play the drums (who also joined in on some songs on guitar) and other times Porky Bear would play.
Later Peter and the bear left the band and Cruz (drums) would join them
That's how this lineup was maintained for a few years until Crespi left the band and Beta would join to play second guitar.
In recent years after our friend Cruz left the project, Marlon would join us to play drums. And this is how our current lineup is:
Juan Cuartas on lead vocals
Otto on lead guitar
Beta on second guitar
Hugo on bass
Marlon Franco on drums
RTC) How can we call your style of playing? What are your musical influences?.
IDB) At first some of our friends started calling our style porn oi! or oi! erotic, since almost all the lyrics of our first songs were full of lust and explicit sex. Although this has been changing over time.
You can say that we are more of a street punk band.
Spanish bands (I suppose because we share the same language) and classic Oi! bands And English punk has always influenced the Colombian scene. Back then we knew bands like Depresión, which greatly influenced our style. Another great influence for the band has been the classic punk from Medellín or Medallo punk, but as we always say, each member has a wide range of musical tastes that contribute to the band's style.

RTC) What are your lyrics about? What do you represent?.
IDB) At first, our style and lyrics reflected our youthful style full of beer, girls and endless weekends of chaos.
In recent years we have incorporated new themes that continue to reflect our lifestyle, which, like everything, changes and evolves over time.
RTC) What is your favorite beer or alcoholic beverage?
IDB)Whenever we meet, it is around our national beer brands (Pilsen, Poker, Aguila...) and when we want to accompany it with something else, we really like Aguardiente (an anised sugarcane liquor) although we don't turn a blind eye to tasting a good Jagermeister, a tequila or whatever you want to offer us.

RTC) Tell us about the Oi! and Punk scene in your area and country
IDB) Our scene is a small one, the city has been taken over by modernism and its sounds like Reggaeton, Medellin has become a capital of all that shit, despite this every weekend you can find some punk, ska and Oi! event that serves as an escape from all that garbage. The scene is long-lived, you don't find many young people who continue with the style unfortunately.
My city is very rich in music, despite being a small scene you can find bands of very good quality like: Hombres de Barrio, Old Bandits, Suburbex, Malos Hábitos, Yesterday's Heroes and other bands that are not active like Never Die and Exceso de alcohol.
Punk bands, I think the list is very long, to mention some from our city: Los Suxioz, La Misma Porquería, Casi nada, fértil Miseria, Pestes Mutantex, BSN, Desadaptadoz, IRA, Los Plones, Dexconcierto...
RTC) Can you mention the most important concerts you have done?
IDB) Well, we have had unforgettable concerts with the local scene, but without a doubt sharing the stage with bands like Cockney Rejects, Evil Conduct and Komintern Sect, will be unforgettable.

RTC) Can you suggest other bands in your country?
IDB) I have already recommended several in the previous answer, hehe
8. How many works (CD, LP, etc.) have you released?
Actually, despite so many years of concerts and being active as a band, we have recorded very little, to mention:
An old demo called "Corrompiendo tu mente"
An EP called "The Sex Single"
Appearances in compilations such as "La Gonorriental" with punk bands from the city and in Banned From the Chaos with several Punk and Oi! bands from Colombia.
Right now we are recording some songs that will be released in a split soon.
RTC) Do you go to the stadium? If so, which team do you support?
IDB) Some members of the band are fans of one of the clubs in the city, Club Atlético Nacional, although they are no longer very active in the stands.

RTC) Would you like to play in Italy?.
IDB) We didn't mention it before but we do like many Italian bands, it would be a dream come true to be able to visit your land.
Soon you will be able to listen to our song "Interfecto" which will remind you of the song "Nichilistaggio"
RTC) So, the interview is over, can you say something?.
IDB) Thank you very much for the space and for the interest in bands from this side of the globe.
Long live noise, beer, tits and punk Oi!
Ringrazio Hugo e i ragazzi di Medellin per averci regalato questa bella intervista dove ci fanno capire quanto sia forte e unita la scena anche se tra mille difficoltà.
Seguiteli sui loro Social e supportateli. Grazie ancora Hugo e spero veramente a presto!
Cheers & Beers
