Abbiamo raggiunto Ryan dei fenomenali Liberty & Justice, arrivano anche loro dagli USA e dallo stato della stella solitaria e ora andiamo a sentire la loro storia...

RTC) How and when was the band born and the members, tell us the hystory of band
L&J) The very first incarnation of liberty was around the end of 2015. A co worker of mine, johnny rioux and another buddy rhys(ex roger miret and the disasters) were talking about doing a sort of street dogs side project(johnny was touring heavily with the dogs then). I was stoked to get a shot at vocals, i was doing thug boots at the time. We got donny who used to play in fenix tx on drums. Our initial idea with the band was to do some heavily 90s influenced melodic streetpunk ala tko records, reducers sf but with my gruff vocals. The name wads a nod to agnostic front. As time went on the other members got busy with other projects so then johnny took a more of a producer role and rhys occasionally steps in for song ideas. The band, with both former and present members, has always been a collaborative effort. Another former member Ramzi records, mixes and co produces all of our stuff currently.
RTC) How can we call your style of playing? which are your musical influences?
L&J) Rancids definitely a huge influence on us. That and the first give em the boot comp. Also rose tattoo, acdc, ccr, cockney rejects, dipset/camron, scarface, geto boys, z ro, lil wayne, boosie, bambu. But thats just me. We all love all different types of music and pull from all types of genres.

RTC) What are your lyrics about? what do you stand for?
L&J) All sorts of things. Writing is what got me into fronting bands. What we stand for? I mean i could tell you what we dont fuck with. We dont like borders, racists, sexists, classists, homophobes, and nerds. We dont like nerds.
RTC) What's your favourite beer or alcoholic drink?
L&J) Ryan : 15 years clean and sober. That shits for nerds.

RTC) Speak about the Oi! Skinhead and Punk scene in your Area and Country
L&J) houston rules, texas rules. Im 40 so it took me a bit to get used to the whole idea of kids just shaving themselves in all willy nilly like but the scenes poppin right now.
RTC) Can you mention the most important gigs you did?
L&J) weve had the opportunity to play with so many of our heroes. Too many to name. Just gotta gig with acdc and we’ll die happy.

L&J) A lot. Shit, 2 full lengths, a few 12” eps, a few splits, a few 7”s
RTC) Do you suggest us other bands in your country ?
L&J) Bullshit detector, false front, killer hearts, concrete elite, harbor, haywire, cmi, dog breath, street power, hooligan 45, storm of ages, juicebox, fun haunts, true intentions, die young, will to live, slugger, los skarnales, ferment, violent way, empire down,the burden, police asp, inner self, born savage, trash magz, softkill, wired up, xl bully,handpay, so many good American bands right now.
RTC) Do you go to Stadium ? is yes, which team you support ?
L&J) Houston dynamo all day. If its premier league i fuck with Liverpool.

RTC) Would you like to play in Italy? do you know italian Oi! and Punk scene ?
L&J) Hell yea we did a split 7” with favl
RTC) L&J Are Patriotic Band ? Do you speak about this ?
L&J) It's like that bumper sticker that your uncle has on his truck “love my country, fear my government”. If theres one thing that both sides of this insane 2 party system agree with is that things are massively wrong and systemic reform needs to happen. But yea i love my people, i love where im from, but our current system is propping billionaires up on the backs of the working class and i dont see it getting better any time soon without a complete breakdown of our current system.
RTC) So, the interview is Over, say something to ?
L&J) thank you to the labels, promoters, and people that fuck with us. And shout outs to our wives, kids and family members that support us. L & J ALL DAY
Ringraziamo Ryan, per il tempo che ci ha dedicato e non potevamo ovviamente lasciarvi senza mettervi un video di un loro pezzo, anche se credo che loro abbiano poco bisogno di presentazioni.
No ci vediamo la settimana prossima con nuove e fottute interviste e articoli sulla nostra amata non amata scena.
Cheers & Beers
