Ebbene si, felicissimo di aver scoperto questo gruppo che arriva dalle isole De La Reunion.
Ma ora iniziamo subito ad ascoltare cos'hanno da dirci i ragazzi dei MONOI!

RTC) Short story of the band and meaning of the name moloi
MOI) We created the band with Solweig who started bass during lockdown in 2020. I already played with Johnny (drummer) in Kilkil (synthpunk) and also with Julien (second guitarist) in the band Holysoul (ska). We chose to call ourselves Monoi! to affirm our tropical side (even if there is no monoi on Reunion Island) and because we did not want to take ourselves too seriously. We are no longer twenty, we all have kids and a job and we don’t spend our weekends fighting despite what is said in our songs!
RTC) For us it's incredibile to discover that in a african french department there Is an oi band, Is there a punk scene in your country? Which are the main bands?
MOI) We are the only Oi! French overseas departments, Solweig and I grew up in the suburbs of Paris where we frequented the punk and skinhead scene. There is a very active punk scene in Reunion with bands like Jaws, my psycho band with Peter Vogeli (former bassist of the Cenobites), Tuka Tukas, Pluto Crevé, Darwin is a Monkey.... and the Maudit Tangue label which helps us with production and organizes festivals.

RTC) How many works have you released? Is there something new ahead?
MOI) This is our first album, we are just starting to compose the next one.
RTC) Which are your music influences?
MOI) We are mostly influenced by the Oi! French: Komintern Sect, Camera Silens and our friends from Survet Skins but we also listen a lot to the English classics (4 Skins, Business, Condemned 84, Cockney Rejects...). Among the recent bands we like Rixe and Bromure (Paris).
RTC) What are your songs about?
MOI) We address the classic themes of the Oi! , football, tattoos, everyday life, fights and friendship but we also talk a lot about topics that concern our island: Creole culture, the history of colonialism and island life far from the old continent.

RTC) Are there many venues there to play and organize gigs?
MOI) There are a few bars on the island that regularly program punk, two or three festivals per year but also «pirates» evenings in nature or people who organize parties in their gardens (These are often the best concerts!).
RTC) in the worldwide scene One of the most unpleasant topics Is politics in the scene, is that the same there? How does that work?
MOI) The problem is less with us, the Reunion punk scene is completely anti-fascist! But we must admit that the appearance of an Oi! band may have caused some doubt among a part of the public who did not know us personally. Our songs are not political even if we all are against racism.

RTC) Which Is your favorite alcoolic drink?
MOI) The beer above all (preferably Belgian), we also appreciate a good rum from time to time but this alcohol can quickly make us crazy!
RTC) Which are your projects in the next future?
MOI) We have a series of concerts and festivals in Reunion before going on tour in Europe in May, after which it will be time to work on our next album.
RTC) Do You follow or go to football? If so, which team do You support?
MOI) Amateur but not supporter, I look a little at the English championship and the European and world cups. There are clubs I like to follow; Liverpool, Arsenal, Barcelonne... I also like the spirit of the Red Star of Paris even if the team is not very good. Julien supports the OM (it’s not a big deal, we appreciate it anyway!)

RTC) Ok the interview Is over, something left to Say?
MOI) We are very happy and proud to come play our Oi! in reole in the Netherlands. Strength thru O.I. (Indian Ocean haha) and as we say in Creole: Nou r’trouv pou kok inn kou larak ansanm! (See you soon to drink a shot of rum together)
Finalmente posso affermare di aver fatto una bellissima scoperta con i MONOI! davvero una bella band della quale vi voglio lasciare il link al loro singolo con ben 4 pezzi e poi ditemi voi cosa ne pensate. Io personalmente sto già cercando LP
Cheers & Beers
