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Quattro chiacchiere con i Last Orders...

Aggiornamento: 28 nov 2024

Abbiamo "raggiunto" gli inglesissimi Last Orders, Oi! Band Made in England e ci siamo fatti una bella chiacchierata, facendoci raccontare qualcosa di loro, sugli inizi, sulle loro riflessioni sulla scena e tanto, tanto altro...

RTC) Oi! John, thank you very much to spend time with us, tell me and all our followers a short story of the band.

LO) Last Orders came about after going to a gig at the Bridgehouse 2 in Canning Town, East London, in 2009.  

Nick, the manager there, asked if I wanted to do a gig at the club, supporting The Anti-Nowhere League in April 2010. I said yes and set about putting a band together.   Luckily, there was a punk there that night, called Stu, I asked him if he was interested, he said yes, and we agreed on the name Last Orders. Stu could play guitar and bass. I knew a guitar player, Yoda, so Stu agreed to give the bass a go. Next, we needed a drummer. This proved more difficult than we first thought. We tried out several drummers without much success.  Eventually, a bloke called Sam agreed to step in. So we had a band but no songs. We agreed to do a couple of covers. Stu had some songs written from a previous project, and I had some poems written.

We managed to get a few rehearsals together. The songs were rough round the edges, but we opened for ANWL at the BH2 on April 23rd 2010, our 1st gig.

RTC) Ehi John, why did you take the name last Orders ?

LO) We took the name Last Orders because it seemed apt for a pub band. I need to add at this point, that Stu does not drink alcohol, he had his demons years ago, and has been sober for many years. So that was the driver sorted. Also we are great fans of 'Sparrer, and it's one of their songs. Later on we found out that there was a band in the 80s by the same name. We are not the same band, and do not share any members from that band.

RTC) how many fucking Album have you recorded ?

LO) To date we have only released one cd, 'Time Gentlemen Please '. We are currently working on new stuff, and hope to have another cd out sometime next year.

RTC) How Is the scene in your area and in UK? What could be done to make It Better?

LO) the Oi! Scene in the UK is very fragmented into different little groups.

Anyone that tells you that the scene is united is lying. There are loads of bands and promoters out there who will not gig with other bands because of reputations.

I don't have the answer to make it a unified scene, but maybe it is all down to what the crowd wants to see.

RTC) the bridge house 2 in canning Town was a great Place for gigs, do You know if It Will get back some day?

LO) I don't think the BH2 will put on Oi!/Punk gigs again. The club itself I don't think had a problem with the music or the people in the crowd. For some reason people stopped attending gigs there, and as a result the club stopped making money, and had to look at other genres of music to be able to stay open. Ironically, people started saying there ain't enough gigs happening in London, but never supported the venues putting on gigs.

Ehi John, do You support any football team? Do you go to stadium?

LO) I personally am not into football, I'm a rugby man. I gave up on football when I was a young lad. I used to be Arsenal. With that said, in Last Orders we have had supporters of a whole range of teams. In the current line up we have West Ham, Man Utd and Man City.

RTC) what are your songs about?

LO) ) our songs are mostly about social comment, about getting drunk, anti war, working class struggles. Nothing political.

RTC) some of you are politically involved, some other aren't. Is the band political or Just a oi fuckin oi band?

Last Orders is not a politcal band. Everyone is constantly looking for the smallest sign of a political persuasion,  so they can put a label on you. We are not extreme left or right. But if we mention being anti war or the price of a pint,  that is politics. Everything in life is political, whether you like it or not.

RTC) Which are your music influences? Do you cover any song live?

LO) our influences are the usual stuff, Sparrer, 4-skins, Business, Rejects, Section 5, P28, Close Shave, Motorhead, the list goes on!

RTC) which are your next projects ahead?

LO) as mentioned earlier, we are concentrating on getting another cd released next year. We have enough stuff written to release a 3rd cd as well. We have gig offers for Aug, Sept and Oct next year, but the priority is to get the cd done.

RTC) So John, the interview Is over, something left to Say?

11) hopefully once the cd is done, we can get back to doing some gigging. We are the sort of band that likes to get drinking with the crowd and having a laugh. We'd like to say a thanks to all that have stuck by us throughout the years........

....... see you at the bar!!!!

Ringraziando John per il tempo che ci ha dedicato, vi lasciamo un video di una loro canzone che si trova nel canale Youtube Worldwide Undreground Rock'n'Roll, il quale ci teniamo a consigliarvelo perchè troverete tantissimi pezzi di Band Oi! , Streetpunk, Ska and Reagge da tutto il mondo. Cheers and Fucking Beers!

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