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Real Punk for Real People : Brand New Age

E' proprio cosi che i Brand New Age amano definirsi, e ora andiamo a scoprire chi sono e cos'hanno da dirci.

RTC) How and when was the band born and the members

BNA) Well, we started in June of 2024. The whole approach was to keep this a strict DIY studio project and record tunes that was heavy influenced by Oi! and Punk rock of the early British 80’s. Me, Crossler, on Vox and a few tones on the guitar. Svegis on guitars, bass and back Vox. Per, the hired gun; on drums. Now we talk about doing a few select gigs in 2025.  

RTC) How can we call your style of playing? which are your musical influences?

BNA) Oi!-Punk inspired by British early 80’s punk. 4-Skins, Cockney Rejects, Angelic Upstarts, Sham 69, Last Resort, the Business, Infa Riot and, of course, the first four Oi!-samplers starting with ”Oi! the Album”

RTC) What are your lyrics about? what do you stand for?

BNA Svegis: Working class rights, no religion in politics.

BNA Crossler: I write lyrics about my working class life, my aversion against religion, my anger and what I’ve lived and live. I got a ton of ”chip on my shoulder” and I’m all about payback! All that party political bullshit can go f*ck itself! I hate liars, cheats, hypocrites and politicians! And that’s what I write about. 

What we stand for? What Svegis said; working class rights!

RTC) What's your favourite beer or alcoholic drink?

BNA Svegis: 17 years sober from alcohol and drugs

BNA Crossler: Beck’s lager.

Per Asson: he drinks what we serve him…/ Crossler

RTC) Speak about the Oi! and Punk scene in your Area and Country

BNA Svegis: Not to many Oi!-bands, a lot of ”punk”-bands.

BNA Crossler: There aren’t that many good Oi!-bands around, there are a lot of bands claiming to be Skin and Punk bands but according to me only a few live up to it. There’s a tradition to honour in this subculture but most just cosplay being working class and/or skinheads and punks. We wanna bring back that angry working class mob mentality ’stead of the jolly one going around… …ha! Ha! Ha!  

RTC) Can you mention the most important gigs you did?

BNA) We are yet to do our first gig! That will be the most important one! If you can afford us, bring us to Italy! 

RTC) Are band members involved in other music projects?

BNA) I do my solo project simply called ”Crossler”. Svegis does ”Mike Ska”, his solo project and the drummer does various bands as a hired gun. 

RTC) How much works (CD,LP Etc.) have you released ?

BNA) 4 singles and the album ”No More Rebels” coming out in January.

RTC) Do you go to Stadium ? is yes, which team you support ?

BNA Svegis: Local team, a passionate supporter of Landskrona BoIS.

BNA Crossler: I’m a fanatical supporter of Hammarby IF FF. 

Yes, we go see our teams as many times as possible and/or watch every Cup/Series game on the telly…

RTC) Would you like to play in Italy?

BNA) Of course! It’s a beautiful country with the best coffee in the world and a great appreciation for football!

RTC) So, the interview is Over, say something to ?

BNA) Brand New Age - It’s Real Punk for Real People!

Working Class pride and no nonsense!

Ed eccoci giunti al termine, siamo contenti di avervi proposto una Band di ultima generazione secondo noi molto promettente.

Vi lasciamo il video di una loro canzone dedicata al grandissimo Micky Fitz e tutti i loro social dove potrete seguirli e ascoltare i loro pezzi.

Cheers and Beers






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